Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Skawińskie Stowarzyszenie Pomocy dla Zwierząt

Hello! My name is Śliwka and I came to the center with my companion Kompot. We lived in pens, without a kennel. I dug a hole in the ground to make myself a bit warmer, but it's a thing of the past now! I live in the shelter now, I have a plush bed, a kennel and a lot of pillows, I also have my winter jacket but I don't like it. I am very shy but I am very happy when I see the girls, I go out with Kompot or Bartek and get some food. If you know someone who has a yard where I could put my kennel and live freely there - please let me know! Merry Christmas and thanks for all the gifts!

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